The Circular Economy and Efficient Label Recycling

The role of an efficient label recycling program in advancing the circular economy

In an era where sustainability is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, the idea of a circular economy has gained monumental traction. It's an ecocentric model that departs from the make-use-dispose mindset, encouraging comprehensive recycling, reusing, and repurposing to minimize waste. For label converters and brand owners, particularly in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, their contribution rests upon the crux of the matter — efficient label recycling systems.

The cradle-to-cradle approach beckons — and with it, the daunting task of recycling label matrix and liner waste that traditionally finds its final destination in landfills. However, an innovative initiative by Avery Dennison called AD Circular is transforming this challenge into an opportunity for sustainable practices within the ASEAN label and packaging industry.

Avery Dennison Leads with AD Circular — A Sustainable Axis for Label Converters and Brands

In the quest for sustainable solutions, the AD Circular program has rapidly ascended as a beacon in the ASEAN region. Since its relaunch in 2022, the program has successfully recycled over 4,600 tonnes of label waste by transforming it into new materials like paper and generating fuel and energy.

To understand the gravitas of such an initiative, we must first realize the sheer volume of waste generated by the label industry. The label waste comprises two main elements — the matrix, which is the excess material from the die-cutting process, and the liner, which is often a silicone-coated release paper or film. This by-product of label production is substantial and, until recently, mostly deemed as non-recyclable.

For converters and brands, AD Circular offers a streamlined pathway to partake in recycling endeavors without causing disruption to their operational workflow. By joining this sustainable axis, they can directly impact the environment and reflect a commitment to their corporate social responsibility mandates.

A crucial advantage of the AD Circular initiative is its simplicity — it’s easy to join and maintain. Avery Dennison has scaled up the program, collaborating with top-tier recyclers across Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and a recent addition, Indonesia. These partnerships assure that an efficient system is in place for the responsible disposal, regardless of where the label materials originate.

What happens to these label liners and matrix waste? In the hands of Avery Dennison’s recycling partners, the impossible becomes possible. They have rethought waste management, propelling the waste towards second-life applications that feed back into a range of industries and thereby aid the circular economy model.

An Eco-Responsible Vision

Avery Dennison envisions a zero-waste production model in the label industry. The AD Circular initiative is revolutionary, not only showcasing responsible waste management but also demonstrating that business efficiency and environmental stewardship are not mutually exclusive.

This is only the beginning. With continual technological advancements and growing industry participation, converting waste into value is an achievable goal. We invite you to come aboard this green venture.

For those interested in joining or seeking additional information about AD Circular, visit the AD Circular Webpage or submit this form.

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